Fordyce's spots are small approximately 5mm , painless, white, yellowish or reddish papules. They usually develop on the genitals, lips, eyelids or nipples. Fordyce's papules do not hurt, do not itch and cannot be infected. They appear due to the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands and as many as 80% people worldwide suffer from this problem, regardless of gender. Fordyce's spots are present in the skin from birth, but they enlarge and become more prominent with time.
It is worth being aware that white papules on the lips, labia, penis or scrotum can be caused by excessively high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. This relationship was observed by the researchers that 'the number of Fordyce's papules increased significantly with increasing levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and LDL'. A similar relationship can be referred to when patients have not so much white dots on the lips (Fordyce's spots on the lips), but white papules under the eyes.
As Fordyce's spots are a cosmetic defect and are most visible on the lips, many women as well as men choose to cover them with permanent make-up. This is an effective treatment that makes it possible to reduce the visibility of these spots for a period of about three years.
In the prevention of Fordyce's macular degeneration, a healthy and balanced diet, limiting sugar, salt and processed products plays a major role.