The popularity of permanent make-up has grown significantly in recent years. Not only can it be seen on the streets, but more and more salons are offering this service. Every woman who opts for permanent make-up wants to look attractive, but also values the convenience and the time she can save by not having to stand in front of the mirror for 20 minutes in the morning.
The real boom in permanent make-up started with microblading, becoming one of the most natural methods imaginable. Imitating naturale hairs, it perfectly fills in the gaps in the eyebrows. It is also called the pen method because it is performed with a special pen on which a blade, precise like a scalpel, is attached.
Unfortunately, despite its many aesthetic and natural qualities, it also carries a dark side that is increasingly becoming a curse for many women. It is not for those with oily, combination or porous skin, rather it is only for young and normal skins.
From my observations at the salon, it often leaves scars and spills on the skin and after a few months it no longer looks as beautiful as it did at the start. In people who are a little luckier, where the specialist has performed the procedure shallower than it should have been, the make-up can come off to nothing in as little as 3 months. Unfortunately, the scars will remain. Why? Because knowing the specifics of this procedure and the technical aspects of the execution, it is not possible to introduce pigment into the skin twice with a scalpel without leaving a scar there! This is not only my opinion, but also that of many other specialists who, like me, started their work with this method.Nevertheless, this method still finds its supporters.
A few years later, when the microblading fad faded a little and more heavily emphasised eyebrows entered the salons, the instagram eyebrow method INSTA BROWS began to be talked about. In coloured make-up, popular influencers like HUDA grew their instagram accounts promoting the new look, which quickly grabbed the permanent make-up world. With the speed of light, new names began to appear for BROWS Powder, POWDER OMBRE, SOFT POWDER, OMBRE, COMBO, etc. The eyebrows in these methods are thickened, highlighted, with different powder gradients, and each of these options can be individually tailored to the client's eyebrows so that they look natural. These methods are less traumatic to the skin, leave no scarring and, done correctly, look beautiful and natural. They only need to be refreshed every 1.5 years to once again enjoy highlighted eyebrows that won't run off our face the first time we bathe. These methods can be applied to the majority of clients, with the exception of holders of round eyebrows, where the best solution is the so-called HAIR STROKE method. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from and each client will find the most suitable technique for herself.