Permanent make-up is a procedure, with a breach of the skin's continuity, which can cause herpes of the lips when we are already carriers of this virus, but also when we have never been ill. This is why it is so important to come to the treatment completely healthy, to protect ourselves against the possible appearance of this defect, by taking the appropriate antiviral measures. Maintain special hygiene after the treatment and, when it does appear, react in an appropriate manner. So what is this virus?
A disease caused by the HSV virus, which enters and nests in nerve endings. The virus accompanies the person for the rest of his or her life, often in a dormant form making itself known when the body becomes weak.
There are two types of this virus: herpes simplex HSV -1 (which usually causes infections above the waist) and HSV-2 (which causes infections in the genital area) and can also cause meningitis. The virus is not only found in the vesicles on the mouth, but also in saliva, so it is possible to become infected by borrowing cutlery from the carrier or drinking from the same bottle with him.
The virus manifests itself in the initial phase through itching, reddening of a part of the lip skin, up to 2 days blisters with fluid appear, in the next phase the blisters burst, hard-to-heal wounds appear, turning into scabs. Symptoms can persist for up to 2 or even 3 weeks and can be alleviated with the use of appropriate preparations (creams or oral tablets containing acyclovir). Untreated herpes can spread to other parts of the body, such as the hands or throat. Therefore, when an appointment is made for a lip pigmentation, the appointment should be postponed for 2 weeks when the skin is fully healed.
If we want to prevent recurrence of herpes, it is necessary to strengthen immunity (appropriate supplementation, B vitamins, avoidance of sunlight, use of UV protective lipsticks). From home remedies rubbing the skin with a piece of onion, garlic or aloe vera gel.
When the virus has made its presence known on a fairly regular basis and our lips look unattractive, lack pigment or the contour has become blurred and covered with scars, permanent make-up is the best solution to restore the lips to their beautiful appearance.